Ministry Equipping Centers
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. – II Timothy 2:15
Global Equipping Ministries is active in the establishment of Ministry Equipping Centers connected with Church congregations in various regions throughout the globe.
Working in partnership with local Church leadership these teaching centers are established to equip, raise up, and release an ever-expanding group of pure-hearted, humble, and zealous servant-leaders, in order to thrust them into the harvest fields in every corner of the world and advance the Kingdom of God throughout the earth in anticipation of the soon return of King Jesus.
These Centers provide an environment where gifting and calling can be identified and honed through study, hands-on ministry and service during an intensive 1-year or 2-year certificate program. Student-disciples receive both classroom training and practical, church-based ministry experience.
The objective is for student-disciples at the end of their tenure to be thoroughly equipped to walk in their gifting and calling within their local Church and throughout the earth.
GEM Ministry Equipping Center curriculum covers basic Biblical life principles and doctrine. The courses are divided into sections and each topic includes 7-9 hours of video instruction, for a total of about 120 hours.
Character and Consecration
- The Character of God’s Worker
- Loving the Bridegroom
- Worship and Body Life
- Marriage & Family Life
- How Then Shall We Live?
- Purpose & Destiny
Biblical Studies
- How to Study the Bible
- The Church, Israel & Jewish Roots
- The End of the Age, I and II
- Prophets & Prophecy
- Elemental Truths
Calling and Ministry
- Spiritual Gifts
- Loving the Bride
- Spiritual Warfare
- The Ministry of God’s Word
- Apostolic Ministry & Church Planting
- Loving the Lost