This is a bit of an unconventional blog, but I wanted to give you a day by day account of our time in Botswana, hence the “journal” style of this entry. We thank you for all of your prayers on our behalf during our recent journey to Botswana. Your effective prayers were greatly appreciated, and they were heard by our amazing God, who was doing amazing things each and every day. Scott and I left home on August 15th, and arrived in Mahalapye, Botswana late in the day on Saturday, August 17th, exhausted from the long trip, but exhilarated to be back in our beloved Botswana again. We managed to sneak in a dinner on Friday night in Johannesburg with friends, old and new. 8/18 – Our first Sunday with the Saints of Christ the Rock Community Church was like coming home. In the year that we had been away, the church had grown in every way, but especially in spiritual depth. Our Beloved Pastor Tex (Gobanshephe Kiti), and his wife Joyce have done a wonderful job of nurturing the Body of Believers in Mahalapye in our absence; and we couldn’t be more proud of them! 8/20 – We spent the day on Tuesday in orientation with our first group of students in the Mahalapye Ministry Equipping Center. After doing everything we could to scare them away, all nine potential students committed to our two year program. 8/21 – Classes began in earnest on Wednesday morning, and we feel so honored to be working with such dedicated, called and gifted individuals. They are definitely “Eager Seekers’. Scott preached at the evening meeting at CRCC in Mahalapye, and began a series of teachings on life-changing face to face encounters with God. 8/22 – Another wonderful day of classes with our precious new students, followed by an evening of preaching in the village of Madiba. We meet outside in the dark in this beautiful village with no electricity or running water. As we sat under the African night sky, filled with more stars than you can imagine, we could clearly see the Milky Way, and Mars was very distinct. Then, up over the horizon, rose a large, Harvest Moon. Selah – please pray for the harvest of Botswana! 8/23 – Classes again today with the students. They challenge us at every turn with wonderful questions. Though we have to teach through an interpreter due to limited English skills on the part of some students, it is very evident that they are laying hold of truth. In the evening, Scott ministered to the men of Mahalapye and from the villages of Madiba and Boseja. After the meeting, our dear, sweet friend, Mr. Moipolai (and elderly blind man) stayed at the house while Scott and Tex made several trips to drive all the men home. Mr. Moipolai was led to the Lord 3 years ago by our Pastor Tex, and is faithful in attending every meeting, though he needs someone to lead him as he walks to church. He lives alone, and has to find wood and make a fire to cook his food. As he waited for his ride home, I offered him a bowl of the stew I had made earlier that day. Though I do not rejoice in his blindness, I was glad he could not see me weeping as he ravenously ate the food I served him. In truth, the dear old man ministered to me that night, for he is the most content man I have ever met. We have heard that our dear old friend’s home has been robbed twice since we left Botswana. Please pray for a godly young man to share Mr. Moipolai’s house and help care for him. 8/24 – Saturdays are always a busy day at CRCC. The Church gathers every Saturday from 10:00 – 2:00 for fasting and prayer. Afterwards, our students helped us prepare for a Youth Rally (the Youth of CRCC gather every Saturday). We had a wonderful afternoon of games, food, worship and teaching. Scott and I taught from the lives of Daniel, Joseph, and Mary; encouraging them to embrace their destiny with pure hearts. Many of the teens wept openly during the teaching time, and we were able to lay hands on, and pray for each of the youth. Worship team practice always follows the Youth Meeting at CRCC on Saturdays. We go to bed utterly exhausted, but wonderfully fulfilled each night while we are in Africa. 8/25 – This beautiful Sunday morning provided us with another great morning of worship and teaching with the Saints in Mahalapye, and, Praise God, there were several new converts this morning. We left right after the meeting to head north to Selibe-Phikwe to be with Robert and Mary Grindley for three days of ministry. We met on Sunday night with their three churches gathered together, and had a powerful time in the Lord. We spent the next two days enjoying wonderful fellowship with the Grindleys during the day, and teaching in their Bible School in the evenings. 8/28 – Drove back to Mahalapye from Phikwe this afternoon and arrived in Mahalapye just in time to teach at the evening meeting. Another great night of teaching on face to face encounters with God. 8/29 – It was such a blessing to back in the classroom with our students this morning, and our students spent the afternoon helping us prepare for our “Gabrielle’s House” outreach in Madiba. We were thrilled to find 105 children waiting for us when we arrived in the village, and what a sweet time we had ministering to these precious ones with games, food, worship and teaching. The church in Madiba was the direct result of our initial “Gabrielle’s House” outreach there 3 ½ years ago. 8/30 – After another morning of classes, our female students helped us prepare for our Ladies Meeting/Dinner this evening. I wish you could have seen the looks on the ladies faces as we led them into our large parlor, which had been set up with tables covered in white clothes, decorated with candlelight and centerpieces. I can guarantee you that it was something they had never enjoyed before. We ate a delicious dinner, catered by our loving and gracious landlady, Mrs. Bhamjee. Dinner was followed by worship, teaching and dessert. God loves these ladies dearly! 8/31 – Another busy Saturday at CRCC in Mahalapye. We will able to fulfill a long-held dream of holding a Worship Conference for our worship teams and leaders today. In the evening, Scott and I took our wonderful landlord, Mr. Ahmed Bhamjee and his lovely wife, Aneesa out to dinner to thank them for all of their kind and gracious assistance. They have been such a blessing to us and to CRCC, and we pray God’s richest blessings on them. 9/1 – Our last Sunday meeting with the Saints in Mahalapye is always a very emotional time for us and for them. With many tears, and much picture taking, we said goodbye to our dear friends, spiritual children, and grandchildren. 9/2 – Our last full day in Botswana was spent out in the village of Kalamare alone with our Beloved Tex and Joyce at a small piece of property they have been able to acquire. What a bitter-sweet day it was as we spoke of all that God has done, and dreamed of the future together; rejoicing over the time we have had together, and weeping over the fact that it is almost over. 9/3 – We made the long drive back to Gabarone, letting our eyes soak in every mile of bush country, each small village, and the large family of baboons watching us from atop a fence as we passed along the way. Goodbyes with Tex, Joyce and their two precious small children are always sad, but our last moments at the airport were brightened by the unexpected appearance of two of our students who had gone to great lengths to be there to see us off. We leave knowing that we love, and are loved in return.
Alanna Jennings
"And He Himself gave some to be Apostles,
some Prophets, some Evangelists, and some
Pastors, and some Teachers, for the equipping
of the Saints for the work of the ministry, for
the edifying of the Body of Christ, till we all
come to the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man,
to the measure of the stature of the fullness
of Christ."
Ephesians 4:11-13
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